
Notice Board

We welcome you all to our in-person practice! Please feel free to pop into our London Buddhist centre.

Do you live in a remote land? Try our online programmes. Most of our events are conducted in a hybrid style; on-site and on Zoom. Please feel free to contact us from the form on each practice page below with the event name you would like to attend. You will get its Zoom link.

You may want to sign up for our email newsletter to receive the updates.

Ullambana ceremony (Big gathering)

The Ullambana ceremony is a traditional Buddhist ritual observed in summer since ancient times. We sincerely conduct the service for the ancestors' and the deceased loved ones' attainment of buddhahood. Following a story of the Buddha's great disciple, we gather to recite the sutra in remembrance and appreciation.

Introduction to RKUK

A brief introduction to Rissho Kosei-kai and its representative body in the UK, RKUK, including teachings, practices and communities. Feel free to attend and ask us anything. Please make a booking in advance.

O-daimoku chanting practice at lunchtime

Chanting meditation for prayer and empowerment. We chant ‘Namu Myoho Renge-kyo’ keeping an empty mind or praying for world peace or the happiness of people close to us. This practice will make us empowered and purify both our mind and body.

Sunday service

Sunday Service is an occasion where we can be grateful for the events of the last week and make vows to diligently practise in the upcoming days as the new week begins. The service also includes sutra recitation, reading Dharma passages, and Hoza (Dharma circle).

Basic Buddhism study course

Weekly study course on basic teachings of Buddhism for anyone. We learn and practise universal principles such as the Four Noble Truths and the Twelve Causes and Conditions in the class. It forms the foundation for the proper understanding of the Lotus Sutra in the next stage.

Kyoten (Readings from the Lotus Sutra) study course

Weekly study course on Kyoten, everyday readings from the Lotus Sutra, in the evening for anyone. We learn its key points and practical application in daily lives. It forms the foundation for the study of the whole sutra in the next stage.

The Threefold Lotus Sutra introductory study course

Weekly introductory study course on the Threefold Lotus Sutra in the evening. We learn its essence and how it is delivered from the beginning to the end of this Buddhist classic, confirming the key points of each chapter. You will find what profound messages are contained and how lively we can embody them in our daily lives.

Scotland meeting

Monthly evening meeting in Stirling, Scotland. It usually includes sutra recitation, Dharma study and Hoza (Dharma circle), followed by social gathering.

Transatlantic Hoza

Enhance our learning and understanding of the Dharma with the broader online communities. Now, this session offers lectures on basic and Mahayana Buddhis, meditation, Hoza (a Dharma circle) and Dharma journey talks appropriately.

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Monthly Schedule

1st Day

First-day devotions of the month (Uposatha Day)

4th Day

Memorial day of Founder Niwano

10th Day

Memorial day of Cofounder Naganuma

15th Day

Memorial day of Shakyamuni Buddha

Every Sunday

Sunday service

Every Two Weeks on Thursdays

Joint study session with transatlantic Sangha

Wednesdays and 6th, 16th & 26th Days

London Buddhist Centre closed

Expected Annual Schedule

1 January

First prayer in the New Year

20 January – 3 February

Mid-winter sutra recitation

15 February

Commemoration of Shakyamuni Buddha entering Nirvana

5 March

Anniversary of the founding of Rissho Kosei-kai

19 March

Ceremony marking the spring equinox

8 April

Anniversary of the birth of Shakyamuni

15 July

Ullambana ceremony

15 August (VJ Day)

Memorial for all victims of war and prayers for peace

10 September

Annual memorial day of Cofounder Naganuma

24 September

Ceremony marking the autumn equinox

4 October

Annual memorial day of Founder Niwano

13 October

Annual memorial day of Great Bodhisattva Nichiren

14 November (Remembrance Sunday)

Memorial for all victims of war and prayers for peace

15 November

Anniversary of the birth of Founder Niwano

8 December

Anniversary of Shakyamuni’s attainment of buddhahood