Our membership fee is only £1 per month. This is to cover some of our core costs, such as building maintenance and rents, and staff and utility costs. As we grow as a movement, we will also use this to fund community outreach.
Apart from the membership fee, we are not looking for your money or any other worldly possessions. All donations are voluntary.
There are some other small expenses. You may need a three-piece set for sutra recitation (prayer beads, sash and Kyoten), which costs £30.30 for the most affordable beads.
If you want to study, books are available for around £5 to £40, but there is no obligation to buy. Our library is home to all the titles you need.
Our biannual magazine Dharma World costs £4.92 per issue (excluding postage).
Something for you to contemplate. We believe, the practice of generosity is one of the essential practices of RK. Looking at the Six Paramitas (perfections), practice for bodhisattvas, generosity takes first place. We don’t necessarily think of this as monetary−you can also donate your time and energy through volunteering. The most important thing is simply being with us.
Our member donations vary. There may be a member ‘A’ donating up to 20% of their salary; member ‘B’ donating £20 per month; member ‘C’ donating £10 every time they come to the centre or member ‘D’ donating no money but the membership fee.
How much you donate does not matter; what matters is how selflessly you offer it.