Dharma World
Bringing Joy to Others (Nichiko Niwano)
Multiple Belonging (Gene Reeves)
Many Religions, One Reality (Joseph S. O’Leary)
Buddhist-Christian Double Belongings (Kunihiko Terasawa)
Religions in Japan: Many or None? (Gaynor Sekimori)
Religious Syncretism in the African Diaspora (Terry Rey)
On Being a Christian Influenced by Buddhism (Jay McDaniel)
Buddhism and Social Engagement (3) Social Reform and Environmental Protection (Ranjana Mukhopadhyaya)
Islamic State and the Questions It Now Poses (Yoshiaki Sanada)
The Lotus Sutra: Time, Space, and Culture (Adam Lyons)
Twists and Turns on the Path to Peace (Nikkyo Niwano)
THE THREEFOLD LOTUS SUTRA: A MODERN COMMENTARY The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law
Chapter 25: Th e All-Sidedness of the Bodhisattva Regarder of the Cries of the World (2)
Published semiannually, Dharma World is a magazine that presents Buddhism as a practical living religion and promotes interreligious dialogue for world peace. It espouses views that emphasise the dignity of life, seeks to rediscover our inner nature and bring our lives more in accord with it, and investigates causes of human suffering. It tries to show how religious principles help solve problems in daily life and how the least application of such principles has wholesome effects on the world around us. It seeks to demonstrate truths that are fundamental to all religions, truths on which all people can act.
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PDF (Dual Religious Identity: Can One Practice Two Religions?)
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